Conquest Resource Pack

Hello, today I’ll be reviewing the resource pack called Conquest. You can find the page here.

Firstly, it’s a 32×32 pack and it’s updated to 1.8 and it required Optifine or McPatcher. It has a medieval theme and it suites it well. I strongly recommend this pack for people who like to build medieval structures.

Here is a screenshot to show you the beauty of this pack!:

A brand new day.

A brand new day.

Running a Minecraft server?

Are you guys running a server, or planning on running one? Are you struggling? Do you need help? Well, that is what this post is for, to help you run your server.


Here are a few steps that will help you get through running a server. Make sure that you are ready for the job (it’s tough work).


1st Step:

Firstly, you need to find the right hoster. I suggest that you use larger hosters that can be trusted. There are a few websites that you can use to find the top hosters. Below is what you need to look for in a hoster.

  • They should be highly thought of, and used by many people.
  • Make sure that the prices are reasonable because you might not make money via server for a few months.
  • Make sure that the hoster has a support area, where you can ask staff questions and get helpful info.


2nd Step:

Secondly, you need to get all the essential plugins for you server. You need to be sure about what you will need, and I suggest that you figure it out before you get the server. Some of the essential plugins can be seen below.

  • WorldEdit (Helpful for building large things quickly)
  • Essentials (All the essentials you need for your server)
  • MultiWorld (Allows multiple worlds)
  • WorldGuard


3rd Step:

Thirdly, you need to know what type of server you want to have. You can have a single type of game, ex. Factions, or you can have a games server, like MinePlex. I suggest with starting with a popular game-type like Factions or survival.


4th Step:

You need to advertise. I suggest that you don’t go on Minecraft servers and start spamming the IP, it shows that you are overly desperate. I suggest that you go to popular sites, like or another site to advertise.


5th Step:

You need to establish a healthy community and economy that can run itself. Get some trusted players to become mods or chatmods, so they can help other players out.


I hope these steps helped you out! May your servers do well.

CamperCraft 2.0!

Hello guys! We and a few friends have restarted CamperCraft since our last hoster crashed. We currently have ZvP (Zombies vs Players) and our original and well like KitPvP.



The KitPvP arena from above.



Hope to see you guys here soon! You’re missing out if you don’t!



Blue Point

Hello, sorry for a month with no posts!

My brother has started on a new project, called Blue point. He has about 10 buildings with immense detail. Here’s a few snapshots of the city:


Here’s the size of the city, a month ago! The city has expanded much further now.

One of the towers. :P

One of the towers. 😛

Some other views of buildings.

Some other views of buildings.

Hope you enjoyed it! I’ll get more up to date pictures soon!

Spleef/Splegg, KitPvP and CTP

Hello guys! Sorry for not posting anything for 2 weeks! Well, anyway, I’ve been working very hard with some friends to create a good server. Of course, there are one or two things out of place and not working but, most things seem to be working.

We have introduced CTP (Capture the Pad) or otherwise known as CTF (Capture the Flag). The objective is to steal the enemies flag and return it to your base to gain points. The first team (red or blue) to get 50 points wins the game!

Secondly, we added Spleef/Splegg. The way you play this is to either shoot eggs (splegg) or to hit blocks with your hand (spleef). You try to make other players fall down into the void to win. We plan on adding a total of 4 arenas of which we already have 2 (Splegg and saruman).

Sorry that I have no photos! Will be adding some soon!

Come on! I know you want to join! Find me at:

PS: Sorry that it’s a numeric IP, I’ll be getting an easier one soon!


As you know, I restarted my server and its called CamperCraft now. I have spent hours with friends working on it and making it playable. And finally, we bring you KitPvP!

The purpose of our KitPvP is to fight players for tokens and save it up for better kits. The more kills you get the higher your ‘rank’ will become…(Newbie/Starter/Survivor…). We have many kits to choose from and a hard-worked on arena to play in. Join our KitPvP!

Here's the full size of the KitPvP arena.

Here’s the full size of the KitPvP arena.

One of the towers.

One of the towers.

At this stage I’m using an amazing KitPvP plugin with many cool things and kits.

Here's the kit selector.

Here’s the kit selector.

Here's the kit shop.

Here’s the kit shop.

Here is where you can upgrade your kits.

Here is where you can upgrade your kits.

Go to our hub, walk through the KitPvP portal, type /kb join kitpvp and, your off! Enjoy!

Server IP:

Rebirth of Infinite PvP!

Well, it isn’t called that anymore. My server is called CamperCraft. It is still very new and has only been online for 3 days. I’ll give you the IP later.

Thanks to Barbarian192 for helping me make the lobby!



1.9 Update

As some of you may know, the “1.9 update” will be called the Combat Update. And by the name you know you’ll be getting some cool combat tools and weapons. So for all you mega-PvPers, this might be your update, the one you’ll enjoy best.

The release date is unofficial, so I have no idea when it’ll be released. Although not so much is know about this update, Dinnerbone supplied some info to us. From this gif (found below) we can see that there are many new arrows, and a quiver where you can put arrows in. There is a new slot near where you can put on your armor where it looks like you can put a quiver inside. Once you’ve done that, another slot will appear below where you can put your chose of an arrow inside. I only know the name of the golden-tipped arrow, which is called the Spectral Arrow. And underneath the quiver and arrow slot, there’s a slot that looks like a shield!

Click here to check out the gif:

I am certainly excited about this update. Please check this page to get more information!